Dentures? Throw Them Away!
All-On-4 implants and permanent restoration (for people with dentures) within an hour!!!
Without surgery
State-of-the-art computerized design
Patients can return to work the next day
98% success rate
Less (minimal) pain following implant
Less swelling
Less bleeding
Full warranty
Can obtain free preliminary consult
The method has been approved by the American FDA
Tomorrow is already here
For people who need to extract teeth and undergo implants –
Option of carrying out extractions, immediate implants and receive non-removable teeth the same day!
Finally, you can get rid of that glass of water with the dentures sitting on your night stand.
Finally, you can brush your teeth the normal way.
Finally, you can eat and talk to your friends without fear.
Finally, you can kiss without being afraid that your dentures will move
Finally, you can feel young again.
Finally, you can age gracefully.